hempr.com - Launch: December 2012

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Win-win for Xmas

It's that commercially sunny time of the year again. Saving and investing is for suckaz. So start spending your dough on shit you really need ... like "urban streetwear", iPods, and online porn. And while you're at it, don't foget to play the German lottery. You see, whenever there's a big-ass jackpot, playing Lotto is time well spent because your odds are much better. Don't just buy one, get at least 12 lottery tickets. It's state sponsored gambling, so it cannot be addicting! A true win-win situation -- on top of that, you could win one of 'em Backspin calendars ... daily! That's hot!* Like a day at the beach ...

* Don't fuck around! "That's the shit!" is a registered trademark (TM) of Paris Hilton

P.S. Think global, act local. Back to the future!